Saturday, July 28, 2018

I will product photography and fashion

I will product photography and fashion


I offer a once stop shop for your eCommerce needs. I offer different option packages for your product photography needs. I offer your products to be shot on a plain white background, black or grey background. I offer a reflective surface option as well. You can choose to have your clothes modeled on a ghost mannequin, the lay down method, or a live model. You can choose as many angles that you would like either front, back, top, bottom, 45 degree angle, or a side view.

I photograph children, men, women, or even dogs wearing your product.

For your products in which a model is not needed I offer the photoshoot of your products plus expert retouching. I clean up the images, color correct the images, and take the time to use clipping paths to get you a very professional finished product. I also include an enhanced shadow with all of my packages. 

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!
Monique Schreijer







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